Contact Student

The following person is looking for an internship.

Person Anis Cherradi
  • Map Neuss, Germany, Year of birth 2008
  • frontend developer
    career orientation
    near own city
  • Speach bubble with heart Motivation: In der Zeit von 12.06 2023 bis 16.06.2023 habe ich die Gelegenheit ein Tag an verschiedenen Berufe mich zu erwerben. Ich habe Interesse an IT Computern und würde ich gerne diesen Beruf entdecken.


To contact the student the company has to have a registered and active announcement.

If your company does not already have one, create an announcement here.

With the announcement a secret identifier was generated and sent to the registered email address. Please enter both email and secret identifier in the fields below, enter a text to sent to the student and click on the button to send the email.

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